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Friday, February 12, 2010

Retire on Less to Middle Tennessee

Dear Friends,
Do you want to retire in comfort and style, without the need for substantial wealth?
Well then please take a few moments to make yourself aware of the wonderful way of life found in Middle Tennessee; and why choosing to retire or relocate there may be the wisest decision you will ever make.

After living for years in high-priced areas of the Northeast, many have discovered the joys of an inexpensive and easy way of life among some of the most friendly people found anywhere in America.

Here you will find:

No state income tax
Great property values
Low property taxes
Low auto and property insurance rates
Affordable living
Great medical facilities
Four distinct seasons with mild winters
Rolling hills with farms near sophisticated city life
Many lakes for fishing and boating
Well maintained interstate highways and local roads
Healthy outdoor lifestyle
Abundance of Championship Golf Courses
Half-way between Florida and homes to the North and Midwest
Over 50 State Parks offering camping, hiking, rock climbing, canoeing and more